Hot Corn Cold Corn
??? Nezařazené EN
R: | HCot corn cold corn bring along a demijohn hGot corn cold corn bring along a demijohn hCot corn cold corn bring along a demijohn fGarewell Uncle Bill see you in the morning Cyes sir. |
1: | CUpstairs downstairs down in the kitchen Gupstairs downstairs down in the kitchen Cupstairs downstairs down in the kitchen sGee Uncle Bill he's a-raring and pitching Cyes sir. |
2: | Old Aunt Peggy won't fill jem up again old Aunt Peggy won't fill jem up again old Aunt Peggy won't fill jem up again ain't had a drink since I don't know when yes sir. |
3: | Yonder come the preacher and the children are a-crying yonder come the preacher and the children are a-crying yonder come the preacher and the children are a-crying chickens are a-hollering toenails a-flying yes sir. |
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Neuloženo trvale!!! Pouze změna prohlížeči. Pro trvalé uložení publikujte.
Datum vytvoření :2013-12-20T21:55:33.015+00:00
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